COAST Innovation Agents help connect owners of innovation questions (with analytical character) in Start-up companies and SMEs with (analytical) problem solvers both in knowledge institutes and in the private sector. COAST has two Innovation Agents.
Problem/challenge owners may contact our innovation agents through [email protected]
Our Innovation Agents
Anton Schotman
As an analytical chemical expert Anton Schotman has over 40 years of experience in analytical chemistry in various roles at Enka, AkzoNobel and Teijin Aramid. Anton served as head of the analytical department of the Teijin Aramid Research Institute for the last 15 years. After retirement on May 1, 2020, Anton started as an Innovation Broker. Together with his COAST-colleague Innovation Broker Eric van Sprang, he focuses on innovation in analytical science. Obviously within the analytical domain Anton’s particular expertise is in Materials Characterization. His is committed to realizing a circular economy.
Eric van Sprang 
Eric van Sprang has over 15 years of experience as data scientist and consultant. Eric is specialized in process chemometrics and process improvement with a strong affinity with Industry 4.0. Eric is partner of TIPb, which is a consultancy firm specialized in process chemometrics and the design and development of analytical solutions based on miniaturized optical technology. Thus, Eric has a broad experience with application of analytical science and technology. As of May 1, 2020, Eric started as an Innovation Agent together with his COAST-colleague Innovation Agent Anton Schotman.