iMNC24 – Call for Abstracts iMNC24 open

The international MicroNanoConference ’24 (iMNC24) will be held at Eindhoven University of Technology in Eindhoven from Monday, October 28th to Tuesday, October 29th, 2024.
The deadline for abstract submission is April 2nd, 2024 (there are possibilities for post-deadline abstracts, but only for posters).
The conference will cover four application areas, i.e. Health, Agrifood & Water, Security and Sustainability & Energy, with a strong focus on the key enabling technologies nanotechnology, microtechnology and quantum technology. This edition of the iMNC will have an additional focus on talent matching. The theme of iMNC24 is Where Science and Industry meet Talent. Therefore, companies ánd students are encouraged to participate.
We would like to invite you to submit abstracts for either an oral or a poster contribution that fits within the scope of the conference. Your abstract can cover academic research, industrial research, equipment and instrumentation, and technology & innovation, equipment and instrumentation, with academic, industrial and societal impact!
Registration is possible via the MinacNed website. You can register yourself as an author. After registration, you can submit your abstract. A short guideline for submission is also available on the website.
The website will be regularly updated with additional details on the conference. Please make sure to check frequently for the latest information.
We look forward to welcoming you to Eindhoven in October 2024!
Conference Chair: Martijn Fransen
President MinacNed
Program Chair: Cas Damen
Professor Applied Nanotechnology – Saxion University of Applied Sciences